Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Basketball fan spotted! It's Felix "The Cat"

It seems that we're not the only ones who are basketball fanatics. Even our pet, Felix "The Cat" shows interest in this sport. In this video, while my husband is playing NBA game on his play station, you will see that Felix is busy watching it on the television. Maybe he dreams to become a basketball player in the future...:-)

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Felix on our bed

I woke up yesterday and was surprised to see our pet Felix instead of my hubby beside me. He's sleeping right beside me. He looked so comfortable and secured. He's so cute that's why I immediately got my husband's mobile phone and took pictures of him. Here are some of his snapshots on our bed.


Snapshots of Felix on the couch

After eating his meal and after playing in the garden, Felix "The Cat" would always be found on the couch. Here are some of his snapshots taken when he's relaxing and napping.
 Felix "The Cat"

Monday, December 28, 2015

Felix "The Cat"

I used to hate cats. I had always goosebumps everytime I will see them on my way or even near our place. I don't know, but maybe it's because I just didn't get a chance to take care of pets when I was still young. My mom didn't want me to touch animals such as dogs and cats for I might get bitten. 

But when I got married, I realized that I can be an animal lover. I married a man who is like Cesar Millan, the "Dog Whisperer". He is crazy about dogs. He has the ability to tame them and be close with them. In fact, everytime he will go to his parent's house, he's like a star. Their pet dogs would run to him and cry as if they have seen their surrogate father for the first time after so many years. 

My husband loves to take care of animals. But not CATS. He hates the smell of their urine and poops. But things changed for the two of us when one day, we saw a stray kitten at our garden. It's a red tabby cat with amber eyes. It was so cute! And we pity him because it seems that he's lost. My husband told me that he likes to take care of him. I agreed. But it became difficult for us to get him for he's very elusive. He didn't want to be touched. Everyday, he would go to our garden and we would always prepare food for him. After several days, we got his trust. He became comfortable and started to stay with us. We named him Felix. Felix Dakat (The Cat).

The following are the snapshots of Felix:

Felix pleads guilty for eating our grilled fish for dinner

Felix loves to sleep with my husband on our bed

He also likes to sleep on my hubby's lap

Playful Felix goes inside my tutee's bag!

What are you looking at Felix?

Felix also likes to sleep on our couch

We couldn't find Felix. Oh! He's already asleep. He is sleeping on our bed!

Felix Dakat!